Saturday, May 23, 2009

An update and a new hat

Here is our little Sophie. She is sporting a new hat, thanks to Florett and a new blankie, thanks to Grammy. You might be wondering what the yellow thing is in her ear. It is an earplug, so she won't be so disturbed by the oscillator (the breathing machine she is on) and all the alarms that are always going off.
So, the plan for today is to switch her from the oscillator (a breathing machine that holds her lungs open and pulsates air into them - it breathes for her) to a ventilator (a breathing machine that supports her in her own breathing). So she will be going from not breathing on her own, to supporting herself with her own breaths. They think she is ready for the switch so they are going to give it a go. Worst case scenario would be to put her back on the oscillator for a few more days then try again.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers. I think little Miss Sophie has brought all of us closer to our Father in Heaven. What a blessing :)
Good news!!!!! She is back on the ventilator. The transition went very smooth, so that is great.


InWeighOverMyHead said...

We are still praying my friend!

Amanda Weir said...

Seeing her sweet face just made my day! We are still praying. We love you guys.

jenni bishop said...

Yay! You can do it Sophie! We love you! Praise the Lord!

aimee_p said...

She is getting stronger, and in no time they are going to have you holding her!

Christy said...

Yeah! I am so glad she is doing well. She even looks better. You guys are in our prayers.