Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Cast

Here is a picture of Bridgete and her cast. It is definitely pink.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spencer Levi Schramm

Today, this cute kid turned 8.
He has been dying to turn eight!
Why is that you might ask?
Well, as Spencer said,
"When you turn 8 you finally get baptized.
When you turn 8, you can be a cub scout!"
So tonight when I tucked him in after a fun filled day with a killer birthday party (thank you very much:), we planned his baptism and then he said, "Have you bought my scout uniform yet?"
He is one excited kid.
Happy Birthday Spencer.
My dream boat.
My gentle giant.
My inventor.
My builder.
My deep thinker.
My collector.
My Mama's boy.
My sweet son.
I love you so much.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Sophie Mae
Also known as: Mooner, Ofer, Moochlax, Mumu and Sofer.
Oh how I love her.
May 8, 2009 we almost lost her. I remember riding in the ambulance with the special pediatric team to UC Davis Hospital.
To mark the anniversary, on May 8, 2010, Bridgete fell off a slide and broke her arm. I called the doctor and the doctor said to take her to the UC Davis Ped. ER.
So there I was, a year to the day at UC Davis Hospital.
So thankful to be there only for a broken arm.
So thankful for the year that had passed.
So thankful for my yummy chubby little girl.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To My Mother

Happy Mother's Day! My mom is the best. And I will give you 10 reasons why:
1. She loves me. She love my children and my husband. They can feel the love she has for them and so can I.
2. She is so thoughtful. Every present she gives and every card she sends you KNOW she went to great lengths to find it. She knows the size of all my children perfectly without seeing them often. She knows what might spark their interest and she is always right. That is a serious gift.
3. She cooks with love. She wants to feed your body and your soul. You can't help but feel more loved after finishing a meal of hers. An example would be: Italian delight cooked only in her mother's pot.
4. She is strong. Super strong - as in don't arm wrestle her. She will win. Ummm I didn't inherit that brute strength.
5. She has faith. Pure, simple, unwaivering faith.
6. She loves her Heavenly Father and I have always known that. I remember as a little girl running to her bedroom to tell her something, and I would find her praying. She wouldn't interrupt her prayer to see what I wanted, she would just keep praying.
7. She loves babies and babies love her. I have yet to see a grandchild who didn't love my mother's arms. Who wouldn't? A Grammy who is soft and always is a baby's paradise.
8. She is a night owl. I know that if I need to chat at 10:30 at night, she most definitely will be awake.
9. She is ladylike. She has the manners that a woman should have. She looks perfect before stepping out of her room and she always smells good. Oh, if she saw how I look when I take my kids to school, it would be very sad.
10. She loves her husband. Their love has been an example to me, my brothers and sisters and to many others. They have had so many trials and hardtimes in their lives, but their love never waivered. It has been a blessing to watch them together my whole life.
And those are only some of my reasons why my mom is the best. She is wonderful and I am blessed to be her daughter.
Happy Mother's Day