Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Super Quick Update

It is hard for me to call everyone with an update, especially when I am so drained. So I thought I'd do it here.
Monday 5/11 she had a pretty good day.
Tuesday 5/13 was not so good. She had a few episodes where she was not able to breathe again. Her IV also closed up so they spent most of Tuesday finding another vein. Luckily they found access thru a vein on her head. Very sad looking :( They were able to do a pik line in her arm which was good news (they weren't able to get one previously). It is so important to have quick access to her and that is what the pik line gives them.
Wednesday 5/14 is so far not great. She had another episode early this morning where she couldn't breathe. She also has a rash on her chest which is a sure sign of a virus. We don't know if it is just a horrible virus or a viral infection on top of the pertussis. I don't know when they will know.
I am so thankful for all your prayers. Keep them coming. My sweet Sophie needs them :) I miss holding her so much.


Amanda Weir said...

Caryn thank you for the update. We love you and are ALL praying for sweet Sophie.

Stacey Bishop said...

{{{hugs}}} my heart aches for you.

jenni bishop said...

Caryn, we are praying for Sophie. We love you!

Sarah Hull said...

We are praying for sweet Sophie and for the rest of you guys. Sending love your way!

Amy Brindley said...

Caryn, it's Amy Brindley, Benn Brindley's wife. I read about Sophie thru Jenni's blog. Just wanted to let you know that Benn and I will be praying for you, your family, and little Sophie. She is an absolute cutie!

jocelyn said...

Caryn, just saw Amiee's FB post, and rushed to your blog! Now I am balling! I am so sorry! I will be praying for you and your family and for sweet little Sophie! I am so glad Dave was home!!!!! Now I'm calling amanda....
