Friday, May 15, 2009

Litttle Miss Sophie-An Update

It has been a week now in the PICU. No fun.
They do daily xrays of her lungs and they still look bad. The top of both lungs are collapsed and the left one is so congested that she is only using the bottom part of her right one. That explains why when she has these bronchiospasms they can't get oxygen to her very well. The other night she had one of these spasms (she's been having them about 4 times a day) her heart rate dropped to 50 and the oxygen level to 0. They had to perform CPR again :( THe good news was that they didn't have to use meds to get her going only CPR. When all of this happened there were at least 30 people running to her room to help within seconds. They have been taking such good care of her at UC Davis Children's Hospital. She definitely keeps everyone on their toes!
Last night she had another episode and now they are trying to figure out why there has been no improvement at all in the clearing up of her lungs....baterial infection....viral....they are trying hard to get to the bottom of this. They switched her to a different breathing machine that helps to keep her lungs open and gives her a break from working so hard. That has helped. Dave and I can't take much more of these episodes where she can't breathe. Hopefully today they will have some good answers for us. Pray for those little lungs to clear up.
Ok I wrote this this morning but it wouldn't publish so now I am adding a little update. All day today she has been good. Only one little episode but she recovered on her own. She is less puffy today and looking more like her beautiful self. Maybe I will take a new picture of her. Thanks for all your sweet prayers. They mean so much to Dave and I.


Lisa said...

We are still praying!

aimee_p said...

She is in so my friends thoughts and prayers. She is getting better--and the prayers are still coming your way!!

jenni bishop said...

so many of my friends and family are praying. I daily receive emails from people asking about her and telling me they are praying for her! We love you!

Melissa said...

We keep praying for all of you and have faith that Sophie's lungs will get better. I am glad that today was a little better.