Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby Steps

Sophie's x ray this morning looked better.....yipee! (the lungs still look really bad, but not as bad as yesterday and that makes everyone happy.) and her bloodwork has been showing improvement. She is getting there slowly but surely. Thank you for your constant prayers. The Lord hears all of them....isn't that so comforting?


Lisa said...

I hope you don't mind but I just posted about sophie on my site and added your site so they can pray for her or offer support. We love you guys!

aimee_p said...

your right YIPEE!!!!!! So happy to hear there is continual progress. Love you and the prayers are still coming!

Kate said...

Hi. You dont know me but I found you blog through a friend of yours. You are very right Heavenly Father hears every prayer and he will be pretty busy now on your little ones account because there are some prayers going up for you all. You are amazing to keep your spirits up. Good luck.

Lisa S. Luckey said...

I was told about your site from a friend of yours. I have you and your family in our prayers and pray that Sophie will be healed and back in your arms soon.


Unknown said...

Lisa told us your story. Just wanted to let you know that you, your baby, and your family will be in my family's prayers. Sending love from one LDS sister to another. Remember that you have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for you and your family.
Lauren Van Wagoner

Amber said...

I too found your site through Lisa. I'm so sorry for this trial that you are facing. I will add Sophie and your family to our prayers. You have great faith. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of you, Sophie and your family!

kimpope08 said...

Hello, you don't know me but I wanted to send you a little note. First... you have a friend (Lisa) that thinks a lot of you and wanted to make sure you felt enveloped in love during this difficult time. It looks like your daughter is on the mend and that is wonderful news... but it's never to late to get an extra cyber hug! I have read you story and I have been moved by your faith. I will keep you, sweet little Sophie and the rest of your family in my prayers. Hopefully you will all be home soon as a complete family!

Kim (Joyfullhome)

jenni bishop said...

Oh Caryn! I'm so glad you are finally seeing some progress! We are still praying and we love you!

Kaylene said...

(((HUGS))) Best wishes and a speedy recovery!

Christy said...

Karen, I am so glad to hear things are getting better. We have all been praying for you, Sophie and your whole family. We love you and will keep the prayers coming for as long as needed!! Also, we are doing a youth temple trip this Friday and plan to put your family on the prayer roll. Thank you for keeping us updated during this difficult time. We love you!

Mom/Grandma said...

I am Lisa Hill's mother in California and my heart is breaking for you and your family for all you are going through....
I will keep all of you in my prayers and pray that Heavenly Father will give the doctors the knowledge and compasion to treat your little Sophie and restore her health as quickly as possible! She sounds like she is a fighter and will improve with each day. You can be assured she is in the best facility for her condition and even though it seems like forever, I have faith she will recover and be in your arms again soon!
Prayers and love to you all!
Eileen Mayo

On My Mind 24/7 said...

Found your site through Lisa. I am thinking of you and your family during this stressful time. Sending big hugs to all of you!

Ann said...

I wish there was something we could do for you! Caryn and Dave ... I am not a good faster at all, but being able to fast for Sophie earlier in the week was just so easy. I am blessed to have been able to participate in that small thing and I was taught more than you can imagine. We will do ANYTHING you need us to. Our love and prayers are with you every single day! Ann (and Robby!)