Monday, May 18, 2009

I think I can, I think I can.

Can I just say that these past eleven days have been the longest days of my life. We should be there for another two weeks. Dave and I don't care how long, as long as we get that little girl healthy again. I promise that once that day comes you won't be able to pry Sophie from my arms. Serious :) I try to think of those days instead of the fact I haven't held her for eleven days. That breaks my heart more than anything. Here is a new picture of Little Miss Sophie. They said we could use a blanket and hat from home to keep her warm. Grammy whipped two blankets out that evening. A friend from church knitted her a little hat. It felt good to see some homey touches in such a sterile enviroment :) She is on her tummy now. She likes it so much better and it gives her lungs more space. I can't wait to kiss on her again!

Ok, I think we are turning a corner. This morning she is doing good. We haven't had any episodes with her not breathing for 48 hours. That is the longest she has gone. She acts up a little bit when they have to move her for an xray, but her heart rate and saturation don't plummet like they used to. Her biggest problem is her little lungs. They are very very sick. The left one is collapsed and so is most of the right one. Poor baby.

On Sunday evening, they started prepping her for a procedure we felt very uneasy about. They had mentioned it to us that morning, but they way it was worded sounded like a longs ways off. It is a procedure called EMLS in which they carry the blood outside of the body, circulate it and oxygenate it so that the lungs can heal. Since Dave and I felt unsure about this procedure that carries a lot of risk, we both knew it was not something we wanted done to Sophie. That morning they made it seem like that was something in the distant future, so that was why it was so bothersome to see all these preparations being made later that day. They wanted to make sure she was ready just in case, yet we felt strongly that she wasn't that sick. We knew we had to turn it over to the Lord. Completely over to the Lord. Our prayers became even more fervent. We asked the Bishop to give her a blessing. Dave and I both received blessings. Our faith was put to the test even more so now than before. We decided to have a fast for Sophie. Our family, ward family and friends joined us. We knew the Lord would buoy us up, we just had to have faith. That night was a good night. The next day was a good day and the doctor said that she was making progress. This morning she said she is no longer a candidate for that EMLS procedure because her tests are coming back showing definite improvement. The Lord heard our prayers. He continues to hear them . Is'nt that wonderful?
Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep Sophie in them daily. She still is so sick. Thank you for all the help we have received. What would we do without the relief society? We have had dinners brought in nightly and it has been so wonderful. We can feel all the love for our little Sophie, and I can never express how much it means to us. Below is a picture of Sophie's room. My SIL Stacey took a bunch of pictures of Sophie when she was four weeks. She sent them to me and I put them up. We also have get well signs up. Feel free to send one her way and I will put it up. It makes me smile. Ok, that is the update :)


aimee_p said...

Love it! I am so happy to hear good news! It is just a matter of time until that beautiful girl is in her momma's arms again. I love you and we will keep Sophie and your whole family lifted up in prayer!

jenni bishop said...

I'm so glad she hasn't needed CPR in 2 days! So awesome! We are still praying for her complete healing. Love you!

Elizabeth Mann said...

Sophie and the entire Shchramm Family are in our prayers as well!! I love the Blog - Sophie is adorable in her little hat and blankie :)

rufa said...

You guys are in my prayers. I'm so glad things have been going well the past 48 hours. I hope you are able to bring your sweet girl home soon! (I love the blanket and hat...too cute!)

Ryan and Kristina said...

I can NOT even imagine what you have been going through. My Mom has been keeping me updated and now has given me the site to your blog. Sophie is beautiful and looks like a fighter. I am glad that she has improved over the past couple of days. I am thinking about you and your family often. You are all in our prayers here! Let us know if there is anything we can do, me or my sisters or Mom. Anything at all, we will be there. Take care and God Bless!

Amanda Weir said...

She is so sweet! I am happy to hear that she is doing better. Love you and you all are in our prayers.

Love the new family picture.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

We are still praying over here! I am going to post her new pic on my family site and ask for continued prayers!