Saturday, December 6, 2008

Trimmin' our tree

On Wednesday, we had our Annual Tree Trimming. This is one of my most favorite Christmas traditions. I loved it growing up! We have all sorts of yummy snacks and drinks, so the kids spend a lot of time at the table instead of the tree :)

The spread.

Filippo wanted to make sure his ornament was hanging just right.

The family, minus me.

And I had to throw in another lost tooth picture. Spencer now has three missing cute.


jenni bishop said...

Wow! That was quite an impressive spread you had there! So fun when everyone can be a part of the decorating! Maybe Spencer should hang his tooth on the tree!!

aimee_p said...

Your food spread is much bigger than mine--you have a few more older ones though. We are doing ours tomorrow even though our tree has been up for a over a week. Love you!

Lisa said...

You could have invited about 20 guests to help with all that food!:) Looks like so much fun.

Amanda Weir said...

Good looking tree. Wish we were there to help you eat all that yummy food. See you guys soon.