Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Doing Schoolwork

Yes, I am doing schoolwork for Filippo and not by choice. At recess on Monday, he hurt his thumb pretty darn bad. It was all swollen and he couldn't bend it, so I took him in. He has a hairline fracture. The doctor isn't going to cast it, but he does have a splint on it.
FYI, he is right handed and if you have ever tried to write without your thumb you will know it is impossible. So, he dictates the answers to me and I am the scribe. Can I just say how much I hate printing in pencil? He is trying to write with his left hand, but it looks like a four year olds writing. Oh well :)


InWeighOverMyHead said...

I hope his thumb gets better soon!

jenni bishop said...

Ouch! Poor Filippo! Hope you don't have to write for him too long! I'm sure he doesn't mind:)

Amanda Weir said...

Sorry to hear about Filippo's thumb. You are such a great Mother for helping him out. Love you guys.