Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day weekend

We went up to Dave's folks for the Memorial Day weekend. They live two hours away in the little town, Groveland (on the way to Yosemite). They have a beautiful marina there that the kids love to go to. We thought it would be perfect since the weekend before the weather was so hot! Well, the weather changed just a bit. We were stuck inside all weekend because it was raining and about 60 degrees during the day. I had to run to their little thrift store to but a sweatshirt for Spencer and Jenny. They were having a half off sale, so each sweatshirt was $1.00. I love that! Dave and Evan raided Poppy's closet to find warmer clothing. Dave's sweatshirt said, "#1 Grandpa"....he wore it all weekend long. Lovely.

Enjoying the break in the rain....Bridgete stopped to pose.

Running down Grandma's street. The other dog is Val, Suzanne's dog. Tucker loves her. She puts up with him.
Dave is his Grandpa sweatshirt with Tucker.
Bridgete showing off her lip gloss collection to Auntie Suzie. Diane is in the background. She already has the pleasure of seeing Bridgete's collection:o)
We had a good time and it is always great to be with family!


Amanda Weir said...

Dave I LOVE the sweatshirt! Looking good.

Lisa said...

I'm going to tell you the same thing people tell me... I want to see more pics of YOU on here!:)

Second, that is one HOT grandpa! ;)