Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm Bringing Classy Back!

Ok, I have decided to become more classy. I have noticed in this world that classiness is dying out. Rarely do you hear people say, "Now there is a classy woman." Right? So I have taken upon myself the challenge of becoming a classy woman. How is this done, you might be asking. Well, I am figuring it out. I do know that a classy woman has wonderful manners, always looks presentable, is very ladylike in all she does, and no one knows about her bodily functions (I could go on about this, but we will leave it at that.) Wish me luck :o)


jenni bishop said...

Caryn...PLEASE...You are already classy and SASSY! Happy Birthday tomorrow! Love, Jenni

Anonymous said...

Definition of classiness:

Main Entry: classy
Pronunciation: \ˈkla-sē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): class·i·er; class·i·est
Date: 1891
: having or showing class: as a: elegant, stylish (a classy clientele) b: having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior (a classy guy) (a classy gesture) c: admirably skillful and graceful (a classy outfielder)
— class·i·ness noun

Yep, that's you! Happy birthday, Caryn! xoxo Jen

Lisa said...

Seriously! I had no idea it was your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so awesome and you are already classy! I don't think I have ever even seen you slouch! lol