Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Yes, that is me when I was six weeks neck wasn't real strong then :o)Today I am 34 years old. I can't believe it! I actually love being in my thirties. My family and friends keep asking me what I am doing today. So, I thought I would put it on here. 8:45 -take Evan to school. 9:00 -take Bridgete to preschool. 9:15 -pick up Filippo to school and take him to his orthodontist appt. 10:40 -drop Filippo off and run to get Spencer some lunch- He is starving! 10:55 -drop a satisfied Spencer off at Kindergarten and help in his class for an hour. (This was me in Kindergarten.) 12:15 -pick Evan up from shool. He has a minimum day. 2:00 -pick Bridgete up from school. 2:30 -pick Spencer up from school. 3:30 -pick Filippo up from school. (He stays an extra hour for GATE) 4-5:30 -talk to Jenny. Calm and reassure her for her dance interview and audition. Pick her up when she is done. Let's hope it all goes well.(This is me in high school...senior year 1992.) 5:00 -make a healthy, but tasty dinner...maybe beef stir-fry? We will see. 6:00 -take Spencer to tball practice. Leave Evan with him while I run Filippo to swim practice. Drive back to Spencer's practice. 7:00 -Spencer's practice is over. Now, hopefully Dave comes home somewhere in this time frame to pick Filippo up. 7:45 -Filippo's practice is over. 7:30 -Stake Aux. Meeting. I am in the Primary presidency, so I would really like to go if I am able to. I will be thirty minutes late...but it is the best I can do. 8-8:30 -come home. Have some yummy cake with my family. I am hoping they will all be magically bathed and ready for bed when I get home...I might have to drop a few hints :o) And that my dear friends, is my birthday. I wouldn't change anything for the world. I am so blessed and nothing makes me happier then doing what I am doing right now. (Ok, you know I am choked up from writing that last sentence :o)


jenni bishop said...

WOW!!! Caryn you truly are amazing! It is such a busy but rewarding life. I really admire you and the way you are with your family. You are an inspiration to us all! Happy Birthday!

Amanda Weir said...

Happy Birthday Big Sis. We love you miss you a lot. It sounds like you are going to have a nice relaxing b-day:-).You are such a great mom. Enjoy your cake.(I hope you dont have to make it.) Love you

Stacey Bishop said...

Happy Birthday!! are you liking gas prices right about now with all of your driving? Do you get tips? Nothing better than just sharing some cake with your family and lots of hugs and kisses for your birthday (and maybe an unexpected gift from hubby). Enjoy the rest of your day!!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Caryn! I'm glad you are so happy. you are an awesome, CLASSY woman and today you deserve to be doing what you love best! :)