Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Cruise!!!!!

Oh my goodness...what a vacation! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amanda (and Lilly) and Mom for watching the kids so Dave and I could get away. It was so great but we were definitely ready to come home and hug and kiss our kids.
Anyway, this is me and Dave in Jamaica. We just climbed up Dunn's Waterfall. It took about 45 minutes to climb to the top. It was a lot of fun, even though we both fell down :o) Is it so beautiful, or what?
Everything was so lush and green. It was a feast for the eyes.

After the waterfall, our driver & tour guide, Phil Lafayette, took us to a little dive for some jerk chicken and pork. Yummy! Dave and I are posing above, waiting to eat. Don't look to closely or you will see sweat pouring off of us. The sun seems so much more intense down there.

After we ate, we went tubing down a river. Again, it was so beautiful. Sorry no pictures of that...I did fall off my intertube and my knee got all banged embarrassing! But...I didn't cry :o)

He also drove us around for some sightseeing. Here we are looking down on our ship, the Grand Princess. And he drove us thru Fern Gully. All you could see was green. Sadly, there was a lot of poverty. It makes me so grateful to live in the USA.

Grand Cayman Island was our next stop.We went on waverunners, swam and held stingrays, and snorkeled. The sand was white, and the water was warm. It was paradise! When we started out on our waverunners it was pouring down rain. You couldn't see a thing and it hurt, too. I held on tight while Dave tried his best to see. That didn't stop him from going as fast as he could. I laughed and screamed the whole way. The stingrays were huge! We tried our best NOT to think about the Crocodile Hunter while they were brushing up against us. We took turns holding one. It felt like a raw chicken breast, only it was as big as a tire...with eyes...and a deadly tail. Snorkeling was awesome. We saw all sorts of fish. The water was so salty that it was hard to dive down in it. You could float effortlessly for hours. That made Dave happy because he doesn't float so well. It was just amazing.

Our third stop was Cozumel Mexico. We went to Tulum to see the Mayan Ruins. It was fascinating to learn about their way of life. It is hard to believe that these buildings are still standing today. Below is a Mayan temple.

Here we are on a cliff with a ruin in the background. Look at that water!This was the hottest place yet. It was about 90. Our shirts are soaked thru but I don't think you can tell. The ruins were really amazing. From this point of view, it was absolutely breathtaking.

Here are our dear friends Kory and Starr. They went on the cruise with us. They moved to Arizona a year and a half ago. It was so great to see them again. We had a great time together.


Stacey Bishop said...

I love the pictures! You guys did so much I can't believe it. What a fun trip. I think I just realized how much I would love to take a trip. Anyone want to watch a newborn? :)(ps you look great!)

Lisa said...

I LOVE these pics! It's so fun to see you guys on your adventure! You look like Barbie and Ken! lol