Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spencer Levi Schramm

Today, this cute kid turned 8.
He has been dying to turn eight!
Why is that you might ask?
Well, as Spencer said,
"When you turn 8 you finally get baptized.
When you turn 8, you can be a cub scout!"
So tonight when I tucked him in after a fun filled day with a killer birthday party (thank you very much:), we planned his baptism and then he said, "Have you bought my scout uniform yet?"
He is one excited kid.
Happy Birthday Spencer.
My dream boat.
My gentle giant.
My inventor.
My builder.
My deep thinker.
My collector.
My Mama's boy.
My sweet son.
I love you so much.


aimee_p said...

I hope he had a good basketball game! it was nice talking to him. Happy Birthday!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!

Christy said...

I can't believe he is 8 already. I love the picture of him in the suit. He is adorable and how cute to be so excited about baptism and scouts. What a great kid!

Robert and Emily C. said...

That boy is so adorable and has grown up so much!! I'll have to send you a picture I have of him when I used to babysit that adorable baby!!