Friday, April 24, 2009

update on the family

First, today is my birthday. I can't believe I am 35. When did that happen?
So, today I have spent my morning at the doctor's with Sophie. She has been very congested the past few days, so I thought I should get her checked out. She has bronchitis. She had a breathing treatment done there which helped a bit, but we need to continue to due them at home. Poor baby. She is so stinkin sweet! She had her one month check on Monday. She now weighs 10.9 lbs and is 21 1/4 inches long.

Here is a picture the kids (minus Sophie) on Easter. What a handsome bunch, if I do say so myself :)

Last weekend, we had a special visit from Adam and Stacey and their kids. We love when they come to visit and the kids play great together (especially these two: Owen and Spencer).

I think ALL men love to hold newborn sleepy babies. It totally justifies a nap since the baby is napping. I have yet to see a man stay awake for very long when holding a warm, cozy newborn baby. Adam was so cute with her. It is funny to see your baby brother be so great with a baby. Stacey, he had a look in his eye, so watch out :)

Dave and Adam planting a plum tree.

We have been doing good here. It feels like someone has been sick in our house for the past month. Evan had pneumonia, Filippo had bronchitis, Spencer has asthma, my darling hubby has been coughing for three weeks (he refuses to go to the doctor...just like a man!) and now Sophie. Yuck! If you take away all of that, we have been perfect!


InWeighOverMyHead said...


I am sooo happy to see an update! :)

jenni bishop said...

Happy Birthday Caryn! Thank you for so graciously sharing your birthday with our Macie!
I'm so sorry to hear about poor little Sophie. She is sooooo cute! Can't wait to see the pictures Stacey took!!!

Jen Engberson said...

Happy Birthday, Caryn! I love the pictures. Sophie is a doll. Hope everyone in your house feels better soon! Love, Jen

Amanda Weir said...

Well Happy Birthday to YOU! ai love the 2nd picture of Sophie...I cant wait to see her!
We love you and hope you had a good night.

aimee_p said...

Life being a mom---we don't get the attention we used to when we were childless, it is all about the kids now. I know you wouldn't changed that for the world (either would I). I love you and we will see you in two weeks.