Friday, May 9, 2008


I decided to start up my own Biggest Loser competition with some of my friends. We thought it would be fun to put in $20.00 each and whoever wins will get all the money. So, we were figuring about 4-5 of us would do it. Well, word spread like wild fire (you know how mormons can be :o) and we ended up with 19 people! Crazy! So the jack pot is now $380.00. Holy Moly, that is some serious cash.
So, we just had our third weigh in and I am happy to report that I have lost 10 pounds. Wohoo! Our final weigh in is July 4th. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted...all four of you who read my little blog! When the final weigh in comes I will post before and after pictures...I know you cannot wait.
I am feeling better, I must admit. Tomorrow I am running in the 5k Race For The Cure. It should be fun, especially because I know I can run that far and not have a heart attack.


Lisa said...

Fun! I am doing WW. My weight loss website is:

Keep up the good work!

Amanda Weir said...

Caryn thats great keep up the good work. I can't wait to see you on the 4th. I hope the 5k went good. I love you and miss you. Hope you have a great Mothers Day.