Monday, April 25, 2011

Piggy tails

Pig tails and a sippy.  What a life.
This is the first time I put Sophie's hair in pig tails.  She left them in for about thirty minutes.  I was surprised she left them in that long-long enough to snap a photo.  Don't you just love those cheeks?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rhoad's School

Come with Spencer, I mean Travis Stockton, as we travel back in time to 1896 to a day at school....Rhoad's School - the first one room schoolhouse in Elk Grove.  We went on April 12th. 
 On that day, Spencer, I mean Travis
wrote on a slate board,
used a quill pen,
 read from the primer,
 bowed to his teacher before addressing her,
played hoops, jump rope, marbles and stilts at recess,
 ate a lunch of fried chicken, an apple, and molasses cookies that were wrapped in cloth napkins and wax paper,
drank from a mason jar filled with water,
always let the girls go first,
and looked adorable!!!

It is my favorite field trip to chaperone.  The way the women dressed back then was sooo unflattering.  No make up, white aprons, big full skirts.  Ughh.  Oh well.  What are you going to do?  I am glad I got to go:)
"Travis Stockton with Mistress Stockton"